Table of Contents
- 1. Why This Subversive Book?
- David Klinghoffer……8
- 2. Teachers Abuzz
- David Klinghoffer……12
- 3. Taking Aim
- David Klinghoffer……16
Episode 1: Standing Up in the Milky Way
- 4. Persecuting Science
- Casey Luskin……20
- 5. Bruno’s Heresies
- Jay W. Richards……32
- 6. Flawed History
- Casey Luskin……34
- 7. Slipshod History
- Casey Luskin……37
Episode 2: Some of the Things That Molecules Do
- 8. Unguided Answers
- Casey Luskin……42
- 9. Burned at the Ratings
- Evolution News & Views……55
Episode 3: When Knowledge Conquered Fear
- 10. A Religious Newton
- Jay W. Richards……60
- 11. Science and Christianity
- Casey Luskin……63
- 12. Newton’s Cryptogram
- David Klinghoffer……70
Episode 4: A Sky Full of Ghosts
- 13. Faraday & Maxwell as Christians
- Casey Luskin……72
Episode 5: Hiding in the Light
- 14. Mozi’s Heaven
- David Klinghoffer……78
- 15. Mozi’s Monotheism
- Casey Luskin……80
Episode 6: Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Still
- 16. Darwin’s Flowers
- Casey Luskin……88
Episode 7: The Clean Room
- 17. Religious History, Done Badly
- Jay W. Richards……98
Episode 8: Sisters of the Sun
- 18. A Speck of Sand
- Casey Luskin……104
Episode 9: The Lost Worlds of Planet Earth
- 19. Catastrophes!!!
- Jay W. Richards……108
- 20. Continental Drift
- Casey Luskin……111
Episode 10: The Electric Boy
- 21. The Faith of Faraday & Maxwell
- David Klinghoffer……124
- 22. Cosmos & Philosophy
- David Klinghoffer……127
Episode 11: The Immortals
- 23. Secular Religion
- David Klinghoffer……130
- 24. Panspermia
- Casey Luskin……132
Episode 12: The World Set Free
- 25. A Warming Earth
- Jay W. Richards……144
Episode 13: Unafraid of the Dark
- 26. Mob Rule
- David Klinghoffer……152
- 27. Privileged Planet
- Casey Luskin……155
Concluding Observations
- 28. Lies as Useful Myths
- Casey Luskin……164
- 29. Materialism for the Masses
- Casey Luskin……168
- 30. Responding to Cosmos: Why It Matters
- Douglas Ell……171
Contributors Index